My expectation was wrong when I expected Lyft to be reliable. I remember it was Friday night and labor day was approaching. my friends and I planned to go to the supermarket after class. We were up the previous night, creating a grocery list and narrowing down our budget. Once class ended, I rushed back to our suite and waited for my friends. Once they returned, I went into my room and took my sneakers off then put on some flip flops and I grabbed my wallet. We were excited. We were ready to take over the aisles at GIANT. Until lyft ruined the moment. I thought Fridays were supposed to be the best day of the week. Well, not for me that day. That day was nerve-wracking!!! All I wanted to do was get to the store and back to prep for tomorrows dinner. I can still feel the anger built inside of my chest and my eyebrows just squeezing together tightly.
All I know is that I should have never volunteered to request a lyft ride to the store. Everything was just fine....the driver was 8 minutes away and then 4 minutes away and the ride was canceled. Then, a new driver appeared. I guess this is where I should have ended it all before it starts to cancel every ride. The new driver came to our destination and was nowhere to be found but canceled on me. Not only did they cancel on me, but they also took the fare amount. THE FARE WAS ABOUT $13 DOLLARS! I can still picture the look on my friends face when they heard me angrily grunt. I yelled, "THEY TOOK MY MONEY AND I NEVER RODE IN THE CAR!"
I tried refreshing the app by clicking out the app and clearing it completely. I thought it was a glitch...noooooo the result was the same.
decided to head back upstairs and try to figure out what's going on. I checked my bank account when I got upstairs and I was furious because there was a deduction. We could not find any contact number at first until we came across a lyft customer service number for drivers. I called that number and there was no answer. I continuously called for about 30 minutes...still no answer. Until I saw the email section. I emailed the company and explained my issue. A representative contacted me shortly and tried to reason with me. I explained to the representative that I never rode in the vehicle and that my money was taking The representative told me that there was no fare took but then said there was money taken. WHATTTTT????!!!!! Are you kidding? The company has weak communication. I ranted on about my money being taken and demanded a refund. The representative told me that I cannot get a refund, but I can get credit. Whoever I spoke to must have been a new person.
After my continuous ranting, I got my refund the next day and got $5 in ride credit. I never used that ride credit because it expired shortly afterward. Plus, I learned a new lesson! Get your license and buy a car or save up for one! Never again will I use Lyft.
Main purpose of this story is to share my bad experience of using something I thought I could count on. This experience will now go into the throw-away pile.....