I had to rewrite my answers to most of these questions a lot. These questions are great and there is so much that I have to say and its impossible not to mention everything. Well....I tried my best and narrows down my final answers.
The first two questions hit me really hard. I chose to stick to these two rather than the other questions. The reason why is that, I knew how to answer the questions with some background info to emphasize my answer. However, I did not know what to say at the moment. My mind went into a ramble. The first two questions were: What am I into that I was not into 5 years ago? What I hope to be in 5 years.
5 years ago, I used to be very open to solving and bottling in problems. I cared too much about the words people would say or the looks they would give. Also, back then I continuously tried to keep the pieces of the puzzle together when the pieces kept disappearing and nor longer stuck together.

Now, I no longer stress about completing the puzzle. I don't hold grudges anymore and my problems are no longer bottled in. I speak my mind and I nip the problem in the bud, rather I have support or not. I learned that I have love from my family and friends who truthfully care about me. I no longer care about what others say about me or see me as. I Can Give 2 F**** now..... I feel more courageous, responsible, emotionally and mentally sane. There are no loose screws in my life or any pieces of the puzzle that are lost or cannot be fixed.
I am a better woman now than 5 years ago, when I was a teenager. My future is so bright and the past cannot change my aim to keep that bright future ahead of me.
Where do I see myself in 5 years......I will be a college graduate woman who will be pursuing her career within forensic biology/odontology. I like to say forensic dentistry because it sounds better for those who do not know what odontology is. I see myself as a mentor for my younger siblings. My younger sister will be starting her first year of college and my younger brother would be entering middle school in 5 years... I want to be someone who they are able to look up to. Once I have their minds in the right educational state then I can move on and let them free. This sounds like I have children LOL! Well...I see myself as their second mother even though my mom is the ALPHA MOM who runs everything!!!
The most special of them all is that....once I complete graduate school I want to grant my mother the biggest gift I can give...a hug..a kiss...and tell her I love her. Because by the age of 25, I am a groooooooownnnn woman!!!!! I am a woman now but by then I will be an official grown woman. I thank her for raising me, keeping me out of harms way and never giving up on me and always supporting me. I love you Mom.
After graduate school or possibly before...I see myself married to the man I am currently with. I have been with him since senior year of high school, so basically half a decade now. I would love to be his wife and eventually a mother. I just want my life to be complete first before I move to another chapter in my life.

I love how you call your mom the "alpha mom" XD Very nice post!