When your in high school everything seems easy at first and gets harder towards the end. It is the same with college. Your first two years is light work and your last two years is nerve wracking because of College and AP courses. Those courses seem fun in the beginning and then becomes intense.
College is like an upgraded version of high school except you pay for your courses and time here as a student. Freshmen year of college is a little bit stressful but you get used to it because it’s always a better day. You can try your best and still receive credit. You love all of your professors and they are easy on you with some assignments and a little more strict with tests and other bigger assignments. The second years is where everything pumps up a littor bit more. The second year will have you thinking, “they are not playing with my a**, I have three papers due next week, 2 tests back to back for two different classes, and I have a presentation that has to be 20 minutes long. Ohhhhh man.....
Junior year is the year of constant work and self questions. Why meeee???!!!!! Why did I
come to college? What will my parents think of me? Am I a failure? Am I stupid? College does that to you and it gets worse each time I swear.
Senior year is likeeeeee what in the f***. Your coursework doubles each week and you cannot slack or you will not graduate! You either accept failure or success. Forget having a weekly outside life and you have to work to stay in the courses and have everything you need to pass the course and survive. Midterms stress you out more than ever. Your parents are harder or you more than ever. Your just doomed. Some nights, I just cry because i feel like giving up but I cannot.
Each major is entitled to their own opinions, but Biology students have it the worse at Bryn Athyn College. We have multiple biology courses, math courses and chemistry courses and have to fulfill physical and art activity. Which I find stupid. Why am I not allowed to just take courses I need rather than courses you need me to take to fulfill your school requirements.... For example, Calculus is pointless unless you want to work in a mathematical field. I will never use this in my career. I am wasting my time. It counts as my language requirement, not even apart of my math requirement... college college college.